Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Recognizing the Symptoms

byAmy Hendel, P.A. Health Writer

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma(NHL)是一种癌症,该癌症从被称为淋巴细胞的白细胞,这是身体免疫系统的一部分。这种癌症最常常影响成年人,尽管它可能发生在童年时期。NHL通常从淋巴结或其他淋巴组织开始,并且可以蔓延到皮肤和其他器官,包括骨髓,胸腺,腺样,扁桃体,脾脏和消化道。

Man checking his neck for swollen lymph nodes

Swollen Lymph Nodes

The enlargedlymph nodes与非霍奇金的淋巴瘤有关,通常是颈部侧面的无痛肿块,在轴环骨上方,在腹股沟区域,或在臂下。相比之下,感染引起的淋巴结肿胀,更常见,感觉疼痛或嫩。

Senior woman coughing in bed

Other Common NHL Symptoms

额外的symptomscan include chills, weight loss, fatigue, a swollen abdomen, feeling full after a small meal, chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath or cough, severe or frequent infections, and easy bleeding or bruising. Keep in mind, many of these can be signs of other conditions, too.

Woman experiencing abdominal pain

Abdominal Signs of NHL

When lymphoma grows in the abdomen it can cause swelling and pain in the belly. This can be caused by enlarged lymph nodes, an enlarged spleen or liver, or a buildup of fluid. The spleen can push on the stomach and cause loss of appetite, or a feeling of fullness after eating even small meals. Lymphomas in the stomach or intestines can cause pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Man experiencing chest pain

NHL in the Chest

If lymphoma grows in the thymus or lymph nodes, it can press on the windpipe inside the chest, causing coughing, trouble breathing, chest pressure, or pain. If it presses on the superior vena cava (SVC), a large vein responsible for carrying blood from the head and arms to the heart, blood can back up in the veins. This can cause trouble breathing, swelling, and a bluish tinge in the head, arms, and upper chest.SVC syndromecan be life-threatening.

Man with a headache

NHL in the Brain and Spinal Cord

Central nervous system lymphomas, which are rare, can cause nausea and vomiting, headaches, mental confusion, weakness in the legs, arms, or face, and even seizures. If a lymphoma spreads to the area around the brain or the spinal cord, it can cause double vision, facial weakness, hearing loss, trouble speaking, difficulty walking, or paralysis on one side of the body.

NHL in the Skin

淋巴瘤which originates in the skin, rather than spreading from the lymph nodes, is a rare condition known ascutaneous lymphoma, which can be easily misdiagnosed as one of several other conditions. It may cause itchy red or purplebumpsunder the skin, often in areas of the body not normally exposed to sunlight. It may appear as a rash covering part of or most of the body (erythroderma).


Symptoms Can Vary Based on Speed of Spread

Though not a hard and fast rule,indolent or slow-growing lymphomasmay take time to cause any symptoms. Aggressive lymphomas may grow faster and quickly cause symptoms. Regardless of how quickly the lymphoma grows, it can spread to other parts of the lymph system or to certain areas of the body like the liver, brain, or bone marrow.

Woman stepping onto a scale to weight herself

B Symptoms: Systemic, and More Serious

还有一群二次或“B symptoms” for NHL, which include a fever that can come and go for days or weeks that is not caused by an infection; drenching night sweats; and sudden, significant weight loss (10 percent or more of your body weight over six months). B symptoms may indicate a more aggressive lymphoma; if you experience them, you should see a doctor immediately.

Doctor checking patients lymph nodes.

It May Not Be Lymphoma

Many of the symptom described in the previous slides can also be associated with other less serious health conditions or with other cancers. It’s important to check with your doctor when you experience any unexplained symptoms that persist, especially if there is a history of lymphoma in your family or you haverisk factorsfor the disease. Early diagnosis is critical.

Meet Our Writer
Amy Hendel, P.A.

被称为“healthgal”,amy hendel p.a.是医疗和生活方式记者,营养和健身专家,卫生教练和品牌大使。她培训为医生助理,她在纽约和洛杉矶维护了健康教练私人惯例。健康家庭的四种习惯的作者,在Twitter @ healthgal1103和Facebook @thehealthgal找到她。在HealthGal.com查看“每日健康新闻”。她的个人口头禅?“首先用食物,健身和生活方式来修复它。”