
byMary Shomon Patient Advocate

One of themost common questions people with thyroid disease ask is: “How can I lose weight?!” With hypothyroidism, your metabolism can slow down and cause weight gain, or make weight loss difficult...evenaftertreatment with thyroid hormone replacement. And treatments for other thyroid conditions usually result in lifelong hypothyroidism for most patients. We asked thyroid patients what is working for them as far as weight loss, and they had some great advice to share.

Keto diet foods.


Many people with thyroid problems praised the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet andintermittent fasting. Jill gained 80 pounds and, now in her 60s, found she could not lose a pound. “After I started the keto diet with intermittent fasting, I’m down 22 pounds so far!” Fifty-something Alexandra is down 30 pounds in just two months combining intermittent fasting and a keto diet: “This works for me. As an added benefit, my blood sugar and sleep have improved significantly.”


Try the Paleo diet

吃“像穴居人”是古饮食背后的前提。专注于蛋白质和蔬菜,避免乳制品,糖和加工食品,古饮食与甲状腺和自身免疫患者一起受欢迎. Linda had success with this way of eating. “After years of struggling with my weight, I followed the Paleo diet; it worked great for me!”

100% vegan sign.


A vegan diet is a major change for many people, but some thyroid patients report that it’s the key to their weight loss. Says Cassie: “My life has been drastically improved by eating a whole-foods, low-fat, vegan diet. It’s a game changer. I've lost over 40 pounds in eight-or-so months and have always eaten until I was nice and full — lifechanging for me!” Interested? Check out the Vegan Society’s guide, “How to Go Vegan。“

Gluten free breads.

Try a gluten-free, vegetarian diet

Linda stopped allgluten,乳制品,糖,大豆和肉类。“除了蔬菜和少数几个水果,我什么都不吃。它让我一年减掉27磅,我把它脱落了!“一个重要提示:如果你去素食主义者,请小心不要过度生蔬菜冰沙和原始的血液蔬菜, which can slow down your thyroid...and your weight loss.


Join Weight Watchers

While it’s not for everyone, the support, accountability, and tracking built into theWeight Watchersprogram make it a good fit for some people with thyroid conditions. Says Janet: “Weight Watchers worked for me. Also, my job is very physical, and I get my 10,000 steps every day!” Deb said: “I’m going to Weight Watchers. It’s slow, but I am finally losing weight!”



有证据表明,采取优质的益生菌补充剂来恢复您的良好肠道细菌的平衡可能有助于减肥。艾琳正在吃低脂肪,低碳水化合物饮食,但她没有脱落磅。“我开始服用益生菌补充剂,在一周内,我臃肿,我开始终于减肥。我现在在三个月内下降了15磅!“了解更多关于的信息benefits of probiotics for thyroid patients.

Green smoothie and woman tying running shoes.

Take a do-it-yourself combination approach

有些人与甲状腺相关的重量斗争发现,他们设计自己的组合方法是最好的。ruth是这种情况。“我一直在看着我吃的碳水化合物,我剪掉了糖和面包。我也开始了水健美操,自行车和徒步旅行 - 我在四个月内失去了15磅!“想想过去的工作。这是理解自己的生理学的起点代谢并且可以帮助您定制有效的饮食和运动计划。

Prescription medicine bottles.

Change your hypothyroidism treatment

Some people with hypothyroidism find that they can’t lose weight until theyoptimize their thyroid treatment. Mary wasn’t able to lose weight until she started on a WP Thyroid natural desiccated thyroid drug. “I lost 40 pounds in a year.” Katya, who had irritable bowel syndrome in addition to hypothyroidism, wasn’t able to lose weight: “Then, my doctor put me on Tirosint, which is designed for people who don’t absorb well. That’s when I finally started losing weight.”


Get 10,000 steps daily

Many experts recommend that everyone get 10,000 steps a day. Jennifer reported that she was able to finally lose weight once she started to “get my 10,000 steps in!” Does it have to be steps? Some experts say that “10,000 steps” really means an increased activity level. Keep in mind that “10,000 steps” equals about five miles of walking, or 45-60 minutes of activity every day.

Man using fitness tracker and smartphone app.

Track your food, calories, and activity

Many experts agree: Keeping track of your calories, nutrition, and activity can help you achieve greater success with your weight-loss effort. Today’s technology makes it easier. Linda was able to lose 20 pounds recently. “I downloaded the appmyfitnesspal.,它帮助我保持正轨。”另一种流行的tracking app isLoseIt. Also, if you wear a Fitbit device, some models have built-in calorie counters.

Woman using laptop.

Your next steps: find thyroid-specific weight-loss resources

了解更多有关甲状腺条件减肥的挑战 - 以及可以帮助的一些方法 - 在这些来自健康中央的文章:

You can also connect with other weight-savvy thyroid patients at theThyroid Diet support group on Facebook.

Meet Our Writer
Mary Shomon

Mary Shomon is a patient advocate and纽约时报凭借甲状腺和自身免疫性疾病,糖尿病,综合性观点的患者,赋予读者的畅销作者。玛丽一直是倡导更有效的患者中心的荷尔蒙医疗保健的领导力。玛丽也在PBS健康荷尔蒙电视系列中的共同恒星。玛丽还为健康的健康倡导者提供咨询委员会。