

经过马特麦克米伦 Health Writer

问任何人has it: Severe eczema can be a struggle. The incessant itch and red rash can ruin your day, destroy your sleep, and wreak emotional havoc, too. Because it’s both chronic and incurable, it’s essential to find ways to cope. That means seeking out effective treatment options—both over-the-counter and, if needed, by prescription—as well as addressing the psychological fallout from eczema that can actually make it worse, since stress and anxiety are known to both trigger and exacerbate flares.

但是你不必自己弄清楚这一点。根据国家湿疹协会,美国超过3000万人有一些形式的湿疹 - 近10人。遇到六个真实的湿疹战士,他们前进,分享他们的故事以及对他们有关的作用。感受到灵感?在Instagram上关注它们(以及他们正在进行的进度)。

Raelle Brown

IG handle:@wokewithinskin.


湿疹backstory:“Bad flares itch, burn, and make you look like a different person,” she says. “It is uncomfortable and all-consuming. Mentally, it’s hard to focus on anything else, and I have to create a new frame of mind to endure. It takes patience and discipline to maintain a routine, and it’s extremely mentally exhausting to be in a constant state of physical pain.”

多年来,她依赖于局部类固醇来战斗她的症状,直到他们在她26岁时停止工作。现在,她的日常生活包括沐浴castile liquid soap(她喜欢Bronner博士的品牌),然后申请纯油,喜欢jojoba oil from Aura Cacia那which she uses year-round. For her,coconut oilworks great in the summer, while thick and pure butters, likeshea butter那are a winter go-to. “I try to take a bath with Epsom or sea salt once a week. If I have extremely dry skin, I'll exfoliate,” Brown adds.

Flare fixes:然而,当她的湿疹进入过度时,棕色有更强烈的常规。“在我最糟糕的耀斑期间,我必须醒来,然后用海盐或epsom盐洗澡,”她说,“但取决于我的皮肤如何做,我将使用燕麦片或燕麦片等其他添加剂[超硅酸]漂白。浴液会将水分添加到我的皮肤中,然后我可以使用油,而我的皮肤仍然潮湿或非常潮湿。由于疼痛和伤害划伤,我常常只会坐几分钟才能忍受痛苦并开始衣服的缓慢过程。“她补充说,她整天都在全天内弥漫,再次沐浴。

Words of wisdom:“不要将湿疹视为理所当然。了解你的身体和你的触发器,以及为什么湿疹甚至发生在你身上。你自己的身体是路线图 - 你也是一位专家。“

Ian Bryant

IG handle:@ ibryant20




在这段时间里,他规定Dupixent (dupilumab), which has helped both his TSW and his eczema. “I have much less eczema than I’ve had in the last five or six years,” Bryant says of his time on Dupixent. “It’s limited to one spot on my right elbow, a little spot on my left elbow, and two little spots on my legs.”

Flare fixes:科比认识到压力是他的主要触发器之一,所以他已经开始平静的技术像冥想。“我真的很忙工作,这会导致压力,那么压力会导致爆发。”他也成为素食主义者,他避免了糖和麸质。“我注意到很多地区似乎清除了,我注意到了改进,”他回忆道。他也开始睡得更好,睡眠对压力减少至关重要。

布莱恩特推荐两种反击的皮肤治疗方法:Aveeno湿疹治疗andEucerin Eczema Relief,他在晚上和早上使用了。他还用乳木果黄油,jojoba油和essential oils这有助于缓解痒。

Words of wisdom:“The eczema doesn’t magically disappear, but[my flare fixes]帮助干燥和瘙痒,“他说。

Sami Jayne

IG handle:@skinstory_x.


湿疹backstory:“这听起来那么引人注目,但老实说soul-destroying,” Jayne says. “Physically, you look bad, and mentally you feel bad. It’s difficult to walk, use your hands, turn your head, etc., so it can really get you down. Personally, for me, I have a five-month-old daughter, so I get really upset that I struggle to look after her or hold her.”

Flare fixes:Jayne在相当多的触发器上剪掉了(或背部),其中包括酒精,麸质和high-histamine foods那such as fermented foods, dried fruit, cured meats, and aged cheese. Her other triggers include grass, tree pollen, and dust mites.

她说,创造一个例程来避免触发器是她可以做的最重要的事情之一,她说。"There are obviously certain triggers I can’t avoid, like pollen, heat, and dust mites, but I do everything I can to minimize them and stay cool with a fan and cold water. Things I can control, I stick to my routine of what I know works for me. Alcohol is one of the things that makes me flare, but sometimes I do like to enjoy a drink. I just have to be prepared for the consequences."

此外,她还曾使用局部类固醇和抗组胺药的一生。她的其他一脚酱是Epaderm emollientand沐浴士皮肤救世

Words of wisdom:“你只需要继续生活,”她说。“我知道这很难,但不要让它统治你的生活。多年来我不会出去,穿一件展示我腿的衣服,穿着短袖上衣,盖上妆容以隐藏发红。只有最近我学会了爱自己。“

Ashley Ann Lora.

IG handle:@ashleyannlora

命脉:Lora lives in Garfield, NJ. The 29-year-old consultant was diagnosed with eczema when she was just two months old.

湿疹backstory:Lora had very severe eczema when she was younger, up until she started college. Right now, flares are targeting her hands, an ongoing issue since COVID-19 first started. “Emotionally, eczema is draining, exhausting, and unpredictable,” Lora says. A few years ago, she was placed on Dupixent, which worked wonders for her, she says, so she stayed on it for about two years. (She’s not on any medications at the moment.) “Dupixent allowed me to live almost a normal life for the first time, but I’m at a point in my life where I’m trying to heal as naturally as I can,” she adds.


Flare fixes:她有几种产品,她依赖于救济:Jojoba oil from Trader Joe’sand Aveeno Eczema Therapy. When she feels an intense itch, she reaches for her博德韦尔防痒霜她使用了博德韦尔超级奶油after showering and before getting into bed.

Words of wisdom:除了她使用的产品外,简单的东西就像把手放在冷水下一样,可以缓解她的痒。心理策略也可能非常有帮助。她的期刊,写下她的情绪来帮助应对他们。当她想象化治愈时,她喜欢闭着眼睛呼吸。“我将我的细胞视为戴着施工帽的小人类,”她解释道。“我可以想象向他们发出耀斑的那些区域,他们送爱,同时摆脱对我的身体不利的同时。”


Alix Moore

IG handle:@her_eczema_life.




Flare fixes:局部类固醇对她有效,但她不想长期使用它们。“当我失去对我的湿疹的控制时,我只真正使用它们,我的正常面霜不能带来发红和瘙痒。”

为此,她最近发现了一种为她工作的例程:一个温暖的早晨淋浴Aveeno Baby Daily Wash帮助她的痒。甜甜圈温柔的皮肤清洁剂for her face is truly gentle and does not sting. After patting—never rubbing!—dry, she applies天使奶粉日常保湿霜to her whole body, andAveeno Fast and Long-Lasting Balmon her face. She repeats this routine each night, minus the shower.

Words of wisdom:Her eczema requires more than creams: “Mentally, it's been a struggle to stay positive during some of the worst times, but knowing that stress is another factor which can cause eczema to worsen, I have taken up meditation, yoga, and mindfulness to try and keep my stress levels down as much as I can.”

Alexis Smith.

IG handle:@Eczemalove.




Flare fixes:到目前为止,她说,red light therapy,也被称为low-level laser therapy,对她来说是最持续有效的待遇。它使用红色和近红外光而不是紫外线,这可能会损坏皮肤。没有太多的研究来支持湿疹,但它适用于史密斯。皮肤科医生认为它是一种互补/替代疗法。

She also finds湿疹公司的补救措施to be very helpful. This a clothing line made with a synthetic fabric embedded with zinc, an essential mineral that has anti-inflammatory properties. “It is a lifesaver when I'm unbearably itchy and need a little relief,” says Smith. “That fabric has done more for me than any topical cream has.”

Words of wisdom:When she was younger, Smith did not know how common eczema is, and she felt isolated. Learning she was part of a large community has helped her immensely. “I was able to see people who had skin that looked like mine,” she says. “I'm really big on self-esteem, so my advice would be to know that having eczema doesn't make you ugly. I think once you realize that, it changes the way you see yourself.”

Meet Our Writer

自2002年以来,Matt McMillen一直是自由职业者健康记者。在那个时候,他写了从针灸到Zika病毒的一切。他涵盖了突发的医学新闻和最新的医学研究,概况概述了医疗条件的手工艺品。他的工作出现在线和印刷品,在华盛顿邮政WebMD杂志Diabetes ForecastAARP.那and elsewhere.