The Best Yoga for Hepatitis C Patients

经过Dawn Raffel 卫生师

Want to giveyourself a healing treat, one you can try at home? Meet yoga nidra, the art of conscious relaxation. It's an excellent way to combat the effects of the stress that can come from Hep C or any chronic medical condition. When you grapple daily with everything from side effects of medication (including fatigue and insomnia) to anxiety about the future—not to mention bills and paperwork—effective relaxation is essential. This simple practice is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or mobility—so if yoga makes you think of human pretzels, fear not: There’s nary a twist in sight.

Yoga Nidra实际上是一种导游冥想的形式,对于任何试图坐下来的人来说,这是一个很好的替代品,“只是呼吸”。通过让您进入醒来和睡眠之间的状态,它同时舒缓和赋予权力。典型的会议持续20到30分钟,可以在垫子上躺在垫子上,或者如果这是不舒服的,坐在椅子上。虽然它是前往一个人的课程的理想选择,但您可以通过YouTube或SoundCloud将免费会话流。每个瑜伽Nidra会话涉及一系列具体步骤。这是你能期待的。


First you'll settle into a lying or seated position and close your eyes. You’ll be asked to mentally scan the phase of life you're in now, and identify one aspect of your lifestyle that you'd like to improve. Then you will set a sankupla–a short, positive phrase that embodies that desired change. An example might be, "I am HCV-free" or "I am healthy." You'll mentally repeat your sankupla three times.




现在老师会要求你意识到你的呼吸 - 特别是你的肚子上升和下降。您将开始向后呼吸,虽然数量可能会有所不同(许多从业者选择9的倍数,因为该数字对吠陀传统具有重要意义)。这是深深的放松,同时也需要一些努力保持清醒。到目前为止,您可能在宁静和深刻的创意alpha脑波状态中,您可以放松但警惕“正常”日常意识,但不在REM睡眠之间。


接下来,你会被要求利用心灵的想象力来体验一些相反的感觉 - 例如,首先,你的身体非常沉重,然后非常轻;或寒冷,然后温暖。在精神上遇到这些二元性是一种平衡思想的方式。

Invite Happiness








Seal the Practice

在会议结束之前,你会记得你sankupla—the short positive phrase with which you began the practice—and mentally repeat it three times. At this point, the mind has been primed to fully receive it. Finally, you'll have a full-body stretch and take a moment to reflect on how body and mind feel different before opening your eyes. Don't be surprised it you sleep surprisingly well that night. The more you practice, the more consistent the benefits. Once a week is great—some people even do it daily. While it won't cure your hep C, it will support your body and mind to help you heal.

Dawn Raffel

Dawn Raffel is the author of 5 books. most recently博士的奇怪情况:一个神秘的欧洲昭星如何节省了数千名美国婴儿。她还教导了瑜伽和瑜伽·奈德拉,并发现它们非常有益。