The Day I Found Out I Had Breast Cancer

两个小孩子,一个大家门的移动,而且哦,顺便说一下,你有乳腺癌。HealthCentral的Sabrina Skiles真实地了解她从未见过的诊断。

bySabrina Skiles. Patient Advocate

谁知道五words would alter our lives forever.

In early August of last year, I felt a small lump in my right breast. I wish I could say I do regular self-breast exams, but you caught me: #guilty. I don’t—or at least, I didn’t. I was just sitting outside on our porch swing in Houston with my husband. Both boys were napping and we were catching up on all the things happening in our lives. I randomly felt my right breast, which I know sounds weird, y’all. But when you’ve breastfed two kids—one for 12 months and one for four months—your breasts go through a lot. And sometimes, you just feel them when you remember.

What I felt wasn’t just my breast. It was a lump. “That doesn’t feel right, right?” I said to my husband, turning so he could feel it, too.


It was Friday, August 16, 2019—my 35th birthday.

The next Monday, I got the call I had been waiting for. (Who knew you could hope for and dread something simultaneously?) Both boys were at school. The house was as calm as it ever was. Now when I look back on that time, it was literally the calm before the storm.



I sat on the chair in our living room with tears pouring down my face until Chris got home from the office. It was probably 20 minutes. He told me later that he’d dropped everything he was doing and ran all the way to his car.


We Will Get Through This Together

Sabrina Skiles.and her sons
Sabrina Skiles.and her sons/Courtesy of subject

This wasn’t exactly how I’d planned to celebrate my 35th birthday. My family and I were in the middle of one of the biggest changes in our lives. My husband had just accepted a new job in Denver, Colorado, and we were supposed to be packing up the house in Houston and getting ready to start a new chapter. Cancer was not even a thought on the horizon.


I was diagnosed with浸润导管癌,2年级,IIA阶段。Hr / ER积极,她的2个负面。(这是一个满嘴?)我8月29日患有一块肿块切除术,用七个淋巴结去除乳房的肿瘤。我目前正在进行化疗。

About two weeks after my diagnosis, the anger started to set in. I remember telling Chris, “I’m so heartbroken and I’m so pissed.” He hugged me and wiped away more tears. “We will get through this together,” he said. I’ve carried that phrase with me since then.

I also pray a lot. But still, I am confused. And mad. The mental part of this cancer life is just as hard as the physical part, if not harder. It is something that I am still struggling with 130 days later. I am scheduled to talk with a therapist this month. That is the earliest they could see a new patient. Go figure.

My New Reality

随着明显的问题(what happens now?),其他几个人突然闪过我的脑海,当我被诊断ed with breast cancer. Like有另一个宝宝怎么样?Don’t get me wrong, my husband and I are so incredibly blessed with our two happy and healthy boys. Whenever the topic of another kid came up, we’d say, “OK, maybe one day soon.” We never put a timeline on it, we just thought it might happen in a year or two. Now, that decision has been taken away from me.

还,what about my psoriasis?After living with psoriasis for more than 20 years, I was at the point where my chronic disease was being managed by medication and in remission. Finally. I could feel my skin again where my psoriasis patches used to be. But the doctors told me I’d have to stop all my meds because of my breast cancer diagnosis. What was going to happen? Would it flare again? Was it going to be worse? No one could say for sure.

You Are Not Alone

Sabrina Skiles.
Sabrina Skiles./Courtesy of subject

我正在分享这不是为了怜悯,而是提醒你的身体。如果您担心某事如果你有密集的乳房,这使得在乳房X光线照片上更难看出,询问an annual MRI or ultrasound plus mammogram to improve detection.

I’m sharing my story because, honestly, it feels weird not talking about it. I’m sharing it because I don’t want others to feel like they’re the only ones.8人中有一个女性将在她生命中的某些时候得到乳腺癌. If you’ve been diagnosed, know you’re not alone. I feel you. I’m there with you. It’s hard. It’s freakin’ terrifying. It’s overwhelming. And nerve wracking. But you are not alone.

Stay tuned for my next post on the day I found out I needed chemo. I share the good, bad, and ugly! Let’s fight this together.

Meet Our Writer
Sabrina Skiles.

Sabrina Skiles是一种生活方式和牛皮癣博客,他在35岁生日之后两天也被诊断出患有乳腺癌。她创建了她的博客,本土休斯顿作为千禧一代的生活方式资源,患有慢性条件的人。她分享了健康和健康,母性和婚姻的日常灵感,以在生活时尚的生活中管理慢性病。Sabrina也是国家牛皮癣基金会的志愿者,教练和社会大使。您可以在Instagram @sabrinaskiles上生活时尚生活时,您可以找到她的共享#chemolife和牛皮癣提示。