Meeting of the Minds


  • Terri Dean-Alexander,47;Ligonier,PA:She has migraine attacks almost every day and started the Migraine Support Group on Facebook to help her cope. She’s married to Lance Alexander, and they have one son, Matthew, 16.

  • Natalie Divino, 43; Sandy, UT:患有18岁的偏头痛障碍,她大多数日子都有偏头痛,这就是为什么她总是戴上太阳镜。她是妈妈到一个13岁的继森,哈里森,嫁给了埃里克分校。

  • Margot Andersen,60s;Glenview,IL:A yoga teacher and social worker, she also teaches mindfulness meditation and is the founder of the Center for Resilience and Growth ( She’s had migraine for 55 years.

When you live慢性偏头痛,你可能会感到无助或一个xious at times. But learning resilience and practicing gratitude can empower you to lead a more enjoyable, productive life. Here, three women tell how they manage migraine and stay in the positive lane.

When were you first diagnosed with migraine?

Terri Dean-Alexander:I was first diagnosed at age 27. My episodes started after an asthma attack. I have intractable chronic migraine, which means I have a constant migraine. With my kind of migraine, it would be beautiful. But then the next day, I could take it and it would do absolutely nothing.

Natalie Divino:I probably started exhibiting symptoms of migraine when I was an infant. My parents have told me I had terrible colic and would cry for hours. We now know that colic can be a precursor to or a symptom of migraine. When I was 4 or 5, I would have terrible stomachaches—another sign of migraine in children. Then when I was 18 and about to leave for college, I got “the big one,” with aura, which sent me to the ER. I had migraine off and on throughout college, but after I graduated, which was a big life change for me, I had a headache every day for a year.

Margot Andersen:I’ve had many serious health issues and personal tragedies in my life. Every challenge has helped me learn something about my resilience, courage, and strength. I was diagnosed with migraine at age 17. It became chronic when I was in my 40s. I got my master’s degree in social work and went into a very high-pressure, lucrative business career in sales and marketing. I was earning mid–six figures, and I was a very high achiever. I was the top salesperson in my industry. But it all came to an end when I was 47, as I was having so many migraine attacks that I was forced to change careers.

What type of pain are you dealing with every day?





Terri:I have a phenomenal neurologist. I take medications for nausea, and I get medication infusions nine months out of the year. Summertime is when I have the fewest migraines, so I take a holiday from infusions and just keep up the rest of the medications. I am getting a port put in so that I can receive infusions through it.

娜塔莉:每个月,我服用注射药物。对于救援药物,我通常会转向我的医生推荐的东西。大约10年前,我遇到了丹亨利,米德,他的家人创立了丹尼尔·拜伦亨利偏头痛基金会,以纪念他们的女儿,他们在1999年17岁的17岁时达到近10年的偏头痛疾病。亨利博士是亨利博士a headache specialist, and I remember him saying to me, “We don’t give up. There are lots of things we can try.” I recently began to take a drug for acute-onset migraine. It looks to be very promising; the first day I took it, I was able to get up and cook dinner, much to everyone’s surprise.

马尔科特:I am a great guinea pig and am willing to take the risks of trying new medications as they come out. Currently, one drug is helping me. For me, part of being resilient is to develop “response flexibility,” and if one new medication doesn’t work, I move on to something else.




马尔科特:我学会了平静地生活。我已经和平与我不受控制偏执的事实。这对我来说,这是一个日常精神练习,“我有接受。”我每天都在欣慰的练习中开始。我说,“谢谢你,我在这里,”然后我试着在过去的24小时里想到三件事,我很感激。当你寻找发生的事情发生了一些事情,你就会重新兴起你的大脑来寻找积极的事情。寻找生活中的积极事物,并品尝好处。我不考虑我不能做的事情。我想到我能做什么,即使它只是小事。对自己富有同情心和善待这一点非常重要。 I have chosen to live a life of giving back, which creates, for me, meaning and purpose.

What advice do you have for others who have migraine?

Terri:Don’t take headaches or migraine attacks lightly since they could be a sign of another illness. Seek medical attention if you feel any abnormal symptoms. And if you have any new symptoms, I would definitely get yourself checked out by a doctor.
