10 Signs of Chronic Kidney Disease

经过Alice Lesch Kelly Health Writer

When you think关于它,你的肾脏是你内脏器官的岩石星。它们使荷尔蒙,平衡电解质,每24小时每24小时拆下余量余量近200夸脱的液体。但如果您患有慢性肾脏疾病(CKD),那种影响4500万美国人或大约15%的成年人口,所有这些英雄的壮举都会在肾脏逐渐失去运作能力时停止。早期治疗疾病可以帮助,但90%的人甚至没有知道他们拥有它。不可能,对吗?

man getting blood pressure at doctor's office


You're Short of Breath

当你的肾脏失去从身体去除多余的流体的能力时,它可以积聚并导致胸部的疼痛和压力。“肾功能衰竭有时会与哮喘或心力衰竭混淆,因为流体可以在肺部积聚,”德瓦塔研究和患者赋予的经验研究和患者的医学总监Francesca Tentori,Davita和Vanderbilt University医学辅助讲师。

There's Swelling in Your Legs, Hands, or Face

In addition to struggling to remove fluid, failing kidneys lose their ability to remove sodium from your blood. That means the salt you eat stays in your body—and that’s a problem because sodium makes fluid retention problems even worse, leading to swelling, especially in your feet, ankles, hands, face, and around your eyes. Swelling can also indicate serious conditions such as heart failure, liver failure, diabetes, and damage to leg veins, and it can be a side-effect from certain medications. Be safe and have it checked.

Your Muscles Ache

肾脏待办事项列表的另一个任务:维持血液中的矿物质平衡。被称为电解质,矿物质,钙和钠等矿物质在肌肉功能中起着关键作用。“钾的主要工作之一是控制你的肌肉反应和合同如何,”美国肾脏基金的肾病教育副总裁Michael Spigler说。“如果钾水平太高或脱离,因为你的肾脏没有正常工作,它会导致肌肉疼痛和心悸。”高钾水平也可以危及生命。

Your Pee Looks Different


You're Fatigued or Feel Weak

累了,不知道为什么?低铁、慢性肾病症状,could be the culprit. “One of your kidneys’ jobs is to create red blood cells,” says Spigler. “When your kidneys aren’t working well, they may not produce enough red blood cells, leading you to develop anemia.” Red blood cells carry oxygen to various parts of your body, so when you’re running low on supply, oxygen isn’t getting to key organs and muscles, causing fatigue. Another possible reason for feeling tired: A build-up of extra fluid, toxins, and impurities in your blood—which happens when kidneys can’t filter them out properly.


We’re not talking about I-forgot-to-brush-my-teeth breath here. A distinct ammonia-like, metallic taste in your mouth can occur when your kidneys don’t adequately remove waste and toxins from your blood, leaving these substances to act like poisons that affect various parts of your body. “Waste build-up in the body can cause bad breath, changes in taste, or an aversion to protein-containing foods like meat,” says Tentori. In addition, toxins from CKD can affect your brain in a way that causes nausea or vomiting. “Typically, it causes morning nausea that gets better during the day,” says Pastan.

You Have Itchy, Dry Skin

Like many of the other signs of kidney disease, itchy, dry skin may be an indication of excess toxins in your body. “Waste build-up can cause severe itching, especially of the legs,” Tentori says. Itching is a reaction that can be triggered when urea, a substance created from the breakdown of protein, collects in your body. It can also happen as the result of an imbalance of minerals in your blood. High levels of phosphorus, which is normally excreted by healthy kidneys, may also accumulate in soft tissues and cause itching.

You're Feeling Confused


You're Having Trouble Sleeping


blood pressure test


Your kidneys make hormones that help control blood pressure, so if your blood pressure starts to rise gradually or suddenly, it could be a sign of kidney trouble. Keep this in mind, too: Just as kidney disease can cause high blood pressure, high blood pressure can cause kidney disease by damaging blood vessels in your kidneys. “High blood pressure is the number two cause of kidney failure,” Spigler says. Whether it’s the chicken or the egg, anytime you have elevated BP, it’s good to have a doctor check it out.

Alice Lesch Kelly

Alice Lesch Kelly is a Boston-based freelance writer specializing in health, nutrition, and disease prevention. Her work has appeared in many consumer outlets, including Health After 50, theBoston Globe预防Yoga JournalWoman’s Day那WebMD, WeightWatchers.com, and EverydayHealth.com.