The Best (and Worst) Foods for Fighting RA

经过Sarah Fielding Health Writer

Remember the oldsaying, “You are what you eat?” If you’ve gotrheumatoid arthritis (RA)那your daily diet really does play a big role in how you feel. That’s because RA is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation throughout the body, most obviously in the lining of your joints, and certain foods can trigger, worsen, or help reduce this inflammation. Read on to learn which foods tend to be the best—and worst—forRA symptoms。And while diet fixes alone likely won’t replace your medications, they can be a powerful way to combat or prevent an RA flare.


吃鱼是一种健康的选择,这是一个秘密。对于任何与Ra的人,吃脂肪鱼都特别聪明。“数据表明鱼类中的必要成分,欧米茄3,可能会降低类风湿性关节炎的迹象和症状,”南加州大学医学院风湿病学临床医学教授奥雷丁和临床教授。在洛杉矶。为了获得最多的欧米茄,选择三文鱼,鲱鱼,沙丁鱼和鲭鱼 - 关节炎基础建议每周两到四次为这些鱼提供3至6盎司,以降低炎症并保护你的心脏。

Fill Up on Fiber

Fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, almonds, legumes, and whole grains can help reduce inflammation in the body. According to the Arthritis Foundation, research shows that a diet high in fiber can help lower levels of a protein called CRP—a known marker for inflammation—in the body. So, go ahead and fill your grocery cart with whole fruits like apples and oranges instead of juice, reach for almonds as your go-to snack, and check labels for fiber content. Experts recommend men under age 50 get 38 grams each day; women need at least 25 grams daily.

Reach for the Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

While nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, like ibuprofen and aspirin) are known to help with inflammation, a mainstay ingredient beloved by top chefs and amateur foodies alike works wonders, too. According to a study inNutrients那extra-virgin olive oil has been shown to block inflammation in similar ways to those standard OTC medications. The cooking staple contains a compound called oleocanthal, which reduces inflammation by blocking the enzymes that trigger it. So, swap out butter for EVOO, wherever you can.

Mince Some More Garlic

有一个普遍的笑话在大蒜情人就是你网名ld always double—triple?—the quantity in any recipe. If you have RA, that’s not such a bad idea. Garlic has been found to include a compound called thiacremonone, which may reduce inflammatory markers in people with RA. Garlic may also suppress the creation of cytokines, an inflammatory protein, thus boosting your immune system while reducing the onset of arthritic joints and swelling. One study suggests that heating garlic undercuts its anti-inflammatory effects. Try stirring raw minced or grated garlic into dishes raw.

Ground Turmeric and roots

Get a Taste for Turmeric


Brew a Pot of Green Tea

If you need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, consider choosing green tea. The drink contains an antioxidant known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which may block molecules that have been known to cause joint damage. More argument for tea? It also has polyphenols, a class of chemicals which are anti-inflammatory. To get the most polyphenols in your cup,陡茶5分钟

Grab a Handful of Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, as well as pomegranates, are among the commonly available fruits that may offer some protection against arthritis, according to a 2018 review of research published inFood and Function。These nutrition powerhouses contain polyphenols, the same anti-inflammatory class of chemicals found in the tea. Pop fresh berries straight from the fridge or top yogurt and oatmeal with frozen varieties.

Stick With Whole Fruits


Limit Alcohol

Can people with RA safely imbibe bubbly or down a beer? The research is mixed. Some studies suggest that, yes, you can enjoy a drinkoccasionally,就像你一样,与你的医生的OK-醇一样,可以与您的药物互动,适度。虽然一项研究表明RA的人可能会因挖掘而遇到负面影响(减少免疫功能和睡眠中断),但另一种表明RA症状的严重程度可能decreaseamong women who drink beer a few times a week. Talk to your doctor about what’s right for you.

Skip Processed and Fried Foods

Processed foods may containtrans fat尽管FDA以2021年从食物供应逐步淘汰这种炎症成分。要避免反式脂肪,始终检查食品标签,并不用氢化或部分氢化油购买任何东西。琳达·李,M.D.是伯克利高地峰会医学集团的风湿病学,NJ表示,ra跳过油炸食品,冷冻饭和含糖饮料后,ra的人经常报告更好。研究表明,当人们从他们的饮食中取消此类不健康的票价时,身体恢复其自然防御 - 而炎症下降。

Say So Long to Saturated Fats

Some studies suggest aconnection在饱和脂肪和慢性炎症之间可以恶化症状的慢性炎症。饱和脂肪高的食物包括大多数奶酪,红肉,全脂乳制品和家禽皮肤。你不必彻底拒绝你最喜欢的放纵 - 只是让他们偶尔对待,而不是你常规轮换的一部分。Trumm博士补充说,削减这些不健康的脂肪也可能有助于保持你的体重检查,这反过来可能会更好地控制你的RA。“作为脂肪细胞的尺寸增加,炎性细胞因子的产生增加,可以加剧类风湿性关节炎。”

Sack Refined Sugar

Dr. Lee recommends limiting sugar intake—she’s seen this one dietary change make a real difference in the lives of many of her RA patients. According to美国临床营养杂志,精制的糖 - 经常添加到像番茄酱,甜点和甜味的饮料释放细胞因子等加工食品中。这些细胞因子充当炎症剂,可能会加剧RA症状。将热量从添加的糖中加入到饮食中的约10%,最大。用餐喝水,避免含糖谷物,享受高纤维浆果,以驯服甜食。

Meet Our Writer
Sarah Fielding

Sarah is a freelance writer based in New York City and the cofounder of Empire Coven, a digital space for highlighting trailblazing women across New York City. Her work covers a range of topics, with a special focus on mental health, sex, and relationships content, and has appeared atBustle内幕那Healthline,Men’s Health那mindbodygreen, Fashionista, Greatist, HuffPost,Architectural Digest, 和更多。莎拉还花在意大利和澳大利亚的时光,在她旅行时写作。