9 Tips for Better Mental Health With Crohn’s

byMarjorie Korn Health Writer



Make Your Bed

It sounds like a little thing, but fixing up your sheets and pillows will make you less likely to climb back in on a bad day. It also acts as a ritual, which can be an anchor, especially when things are feeling out of your control. Add in other morning routines, like drinking hot water with lemon, stretching, or repeating affirmations. And rituals don’t have to be a solo endeavor. A review of research inThe International Journal of Psychology发现当一个家庭有仪式时,患有慢性疾病的成员会更好,健康。星期二游戏夜晚,任何人?



更准备,压力减少。组装爆发套件可以让你感觉更安全。例如,准备就绪有一个或两个插入式加热焊盘。(微波炉似乎似乎在你舒适的时候似乎会失去热量!)和频繁进入浴室以及腹泻,可以为疼痛和敏感的直肠或肛门制作。在贝塞姆勒的Larry Ross of Mepsom Salt of Mepsom Salt,Al of Measure舒缓的浴室,他曾与克罗恩病了。并浸入水上疗法或局部CBD霜,以帮助Chapped或刺激的地区。


Organize a Dance Party

为了摆脱克罗恩的压力和不适,你必须摇晃它。公共卫生问题可能会决定你的舞会是一个虚拟的派对,但这没关系。发送邀请给你的朋友,举起缩放(春天为付清,所以你可以走超过40分钟),而你和你的朋友将成为博客,因为切割松散是一种快速的方式,让你的思绪脱离克罗恩的思绪。这些天,有大量的DJ旋转直播,所以登录其中一个 - 我们是部分的d-nice




COVID-19 meet-up

Corral Your Crew

Crohn’s patients often say that the disease steals away their social lives. Agreeing to weekend plans a few days ahead can feel like you’re jinxing things. COVID or not, make a regular date with a close group of friends—either in person or virtually. And don’t break the tradition unless you absolutely need to. Even checking in with your people for a minute or two lets them send you a dose of support. If feelings of isolation creep up, check out the克罗恩和结肠炎基金会,其中包含全国各地的支持小组列表。



The食物情绪连接是真实的, folks. Although it might feel like all you can stomach at times, plain toast and an electrolyte beverage is not enough nutrition to get through the day, and that can lead to low mood. Talk to your doctor about testing for nutrient deficiencies (including vitamins C and B12, folic acid, and zinc), and you may need bone-supporting supplements, too. Then, talk with a nutritionist who can help craft a diet with whole foods that meet your body’s needs while avoiding foods that cause a flare.



这听起来很熟悉吗?工作是Bonkers,您的自我保健方案是零,蓬勃发展的爆发。压力可能是原因。一个小型研究PLOS ONEfinds that mind-body practices—like meditation, relaxation, breathing practice, and tai chi—may help ease IBD symptoms, lower stress, and help with pain management. Borrow这个口头禅from SarahBethYoga, who lives with IBD:“My body is healing. My body needs my help. I will rest, and focus on what makes me happy in this moment. My body is healing, and I am happy to help.”


Do Gentle Yoga

Yoga can alleviate symptoms and identify where you’re holding tension, says Gina Norman, creator of Kaia Yoga studios, which has locations throughout Connecticut. “Breathing into that space of pain, discomfort, or bloating can help alleviate some of that tension,” she says. Crohn’s-specific poses include child’s pose with a bolster across your shoulders creates space in the belly. Hip-release poses, like Pigeon (with a bolster supporting your back thigh and sits bone) can help activate the psoas muscle alongside the groin that’s connected to the diaphragm to help the abdomen relax.


Get Head Help

Bottom line: You don’t have to struggle alone with Crohn’s. And it’s better to establish a connection with a mental-health professional when things are going OK, so when something upsetting does happen, you’re not starting from zero. Living with Crohn’s involves some intense doctor and hospital visits: A study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine found about a third of inflammatory bowel disease patients experience medical post-traumatic stress symptoms. A therapy sesh can help you stay a step ahead of everything going on.

Meet Our Writer
Marjorie Korn

Marjorie Korn是纽约市的健康,医学和特色作家。她也是哥伦比亚大学医师和外科医生的叙事医学教练。