5 Smoothies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

byTracy Davenport, Ph.D. Health Writer

类风湿性关节炎(RA)is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects specifically the joints. While there isno diet for people with RA, there are certain anti-inflammatory foods that can help with symptoms.

Basket of berries.

Power anti-inflammatory foods

Somefoods have proven anti-inflammatoryand antioxidant properties that can benefit patients with RA. Pineapple, for example, contains an enzyme known as bromelain and has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent in clinical settings. Other fruits such as blueberries, cherries and strawberries pack anti-oxidants that can also help with inflammation.Probioticsmay also be successful in reducing inflammation.

Pineapple smoothie.

Tropical Sunrise

Smoothies are frozen fruits and vegetables blended together into a drink. They are a great way to consume some of the power foods that may be beneficial to those withRA symptoms. The sweetness in this smoothie recipe makes it a great starter smoothie:

16 oz Tropical Sunrise

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1/2 cup pineapple (frozen)

1/2 cup mango (frozen)

1/2 banana (frozen)

Spinach smoothie.

Going Green

Between the spinach and pineapple, this smoothie recipe combines several anti-inflammatory super foods.

16 oz Going Green Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1 cup pineapple

1 tsp. lime juice

1 cup spinach

Berry smoothie.

Berry Nice Smoothie

The anti-oxidant power in this mixed berries smoothie plus the probiotics found in yogurt make this a great snack or even a meal replacement.

16 oz Berry Nice Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1 cup mixed berries (frozen)

1/4 cup vanilla Greek yogurt

Cherry smoothie.

Cherry Pie Smoothie

This smoothie comes with ingredients that satisfies a sweet tooth and is packed with antioxidants as well as probiotics.

16 ozCherry Pie Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries

1/4 cup oats

1/4 cup non-fat Greek yogurt

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Strawberry smoothie.

Strawberry Lemonade

This smoothie recipe is both sweet and sour and will bring out the kid in anybody. The anti-oxidants in the strawberries along with probiotics in the yogurt can help with inflammation.

16oz Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie

1 cup lemonade

1 cup strawberries

1/4 cup strawberry Greek yogurt

Meet Our Writer
Tracy Davenport, Ph.D.

Davenport is the founder of Tracyshealthyliving.com. Using the latest scientific research, she helps people live their healthiest lives via one-on-one coaching, corporate talks, and sharing the more than 1,000 health-related articles she's authored.