"It's Just Two New Words"

二次逐步。当您的MS诊断现在包括这两个单词时,生命变化。Jennifer Digmann分享她的故事,其中一部分是我们的系列“信”给我的刚才诊断的SPMS自我“。

经过詹妮弗Digmann 病人倡导者



你的手和脚下无法解释的麻木。偶尔没有摔倒。无情的疲倦和疲劳。你的主要医生如何试图解释一下,因为你是大学里忙碌的睡眠贫困的高级。她说服你脚下的麻木只是你的廉价鞋子的选择,给你没有拱门支持 - 在你选择时尚功能时出现的主要问题。你手中的麻木吗?她解释说,你写的是太多的论文和考试。你还记得她在毕业的时候说,当压力下降时,“你会没事的”?

But then, after graduation and moving an hour away to the Detroit area for your first grown-up job as a customer-support specialist, things didn’t magically disappear. Remember how one night at work your left eye wouldn’t move and you started seeing double? Well, the doctor couldn’t just explain that away. Eventually, but rather quickly, you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Remember feeling somewhat relieved by your diagnosis, because deep down you always thought there was something?

At 23, you were diagnosed with a lifelong chronic illness, but you handled it. You were scared, confused and overwhelmed. You met doctors and other people living with MS, asked lots of questions, read books, joined a localMS支持组对于所有年龄和疾病进展的人,并试图养活最小化慢性疾病程度的生活。


前几年飞过。但你started feeling a little off again. The numbness intensified. Fatigue persisted even after the best night sleep. More falls for no reason. Maybe you were dealing with stress again. Chronic illness is not for the weak, right?



Then your new neurologist tells you, “Your disease has progressed.” You hear what the doctor is saying, but it is not until you read the words “Secondary Progressive MS" on your medical forms that it truly sinks in. It’s SPMS, but deep down you already knew that. Didn’t you?

再次你摇摇欲坠,害怕,但你可以并将处理这个问题。毕竟,它只是两个新的单词 - 次要渐进式 - 核心,它仍然是多发性硬化症。



Fortunately, disease-modifying treatments now are available for people living with SPMS. You have choices. But above all else, focus on maintaining and appreciating your health; whatever that looks like. Sure, you may not be as active or independent as you once were, but you must continue your fight with this monster.





自1997年诊断以来,Jennifer Digmann与多发性硬化的终身分享了她的故事。与她的丈夫一起,丹,丹,他也生活在女士身上,她有助于维护他们的博客,DanandjenniferDigmann.com,并举办每周在线广播节目“一对夫妇接受MS”。她共同写下了他们的书,“尽管女士,但是,惹恼了MS”并有助于各种MS出版物和网站。她是一个激情的MS活动家,作为一个区域活动家领袖和密歇根政府关系咨询委员会,与国家多发生组织的多发性硬化协会。