Navigating Crohn’s & College During a Pandemic

College student Kaitlyn Trevathan shares advice on balancing IBD, school…and everything else going on in the world.

经过莎拉埃利斯 卫生师

Kaitlyn a 20-year-old Junior majoring in biology at Erskine College in Due West, SC. She recently returned to campus after a summer of quarantining at home with her family, while also adjusting to life after a new Crohn’s diagnosis, which she received on February 3, 2020. We spoke with Kaitlyn about how she has adapted to all of these changes, and what it’s like being a student with a chronic condition right now.

So, you’ve recently started back to school. What has your semester been like so far?

It’s been going well. We have to stay six feet apart, and biology labs are only two hours long now, as opposed to four, because they split the class half and half. Campus wide, they have a temperature check-in each day. We have an app where you select what symptoms, if any, you have that day. Each student without symptoms or a fever receives a sticker that teachers, cafe workers, and coaches check to admit us to things like classes and meals.

Being an athlete is tough–I throw shot put for the track and field team–because we have to wear a mask all the time during practice. But other than that, it has felt like a surprisingly normal campus experience.


我的症状开始了我的新生年度。我去了校园医生,他们告诉我我有结肠癌。所以,在我可以进入一个GI专家的一个月之前,我以为我有癌症,这是可怕的。在我终于诊断出来之前,我每隔一周都回家克罗恩病earlier this year. I’ve never had a semester of college where I’ve gotten to stay at college the whole time.

This year has been great–a few weeks ago, I found out that I’m in microbial remission! Which means my colon is clear, but I still have symptoms. It hasn’t really changed my day-to-day life because I still have to take my medication, do my essential oils (I usedoterra油帮助我的恶心和消化问题),做瑜伽,并尽量保持轻松和平静。但我现在开始能够多吃。我可以吃一个三明治和午餐或晚餐的一面,不觉得我要把它扔到全面,在我在整天都无法保持小吃以外的零食之前。


I switched to an apartment this year on campus, so I live with three girls and we share a bathroom. We sometimes have specific friends over whom we know are taking COVID seriously, and we’ll ask them, “Are you symptom free? Did you get cleared by a temperature check?” We all have to feel comfortable before we decide to let them come in. Once they leave, we normally spray everything with disinfectant and do all the dishes.

Because my Crohn’s symptoms put me at higher risk for COVID complications, I have to go to a separate location on campus to get my temperature checked, which is kind of inconvenient. But it’s worth it in the end, for safety reasons.



She was like, “That’s cool, thanks for telling me!” It hasn’t caused a problem yet. I don’t normally tell people my whole life story up front, but from a roommate standpoint, it helped us be able to open up quickly and start that friendship.




Do you have any life hacks or tips that have helped you navigate this transition with Crohn’s?

Eat healthy! Also, I find a friend in every class who is a good note-taker. I’ll tell them, “Hey, I have Crohn’s disease, so I have to go to the bathroom a lot, and there are days when I can’t get out of bed. If I ever text you for notes, can I count on you to send me good notes?”




“We are students who are IBD warriors and we stand together! We’re trained for this” • • Today is World IBD day. A day to raise awareness for things like Crohns and Colitis. However it can also be a day to celebrate. This sounds weird, and a year ago I probably would not have said this, but part of me is thankful I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease. I have met some of the most amazing people from around the world because we share something in common, we all have IBD. • • About a month ago @youngibd created a groupchat of teenagers/young adults with IBD. Before them, I was so lost and felt like nobody understood me, however they remind me every day that I am not alone and that people understand. If you saw any of us pictured above on a normal day, you would not be able to see the constant pain we are in or the fear of a random flare popping up that we live with; you would see a 16-25 year old enjoying life and hanging out with their friends. • • The medical definition of Crohn’s disease is, “a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract. Crohn's disease can sometimes cause life-threatening complications.” This digestive tract includes anything from you mouth to the anus. It is an invisible illness that doctors cannot cure, but can treat the symptoms of. When someone has Crohn’s they may suffer from •”Pain areas: in the abdomen, joints, lower abdomen, or rectum •Pain types: can be mild or severe •Gastrointestinal: bloating, bowel obstruction, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or flatulence •Whole body: fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite •Anal: fissures or bleeding •Also common: cramping, depression, flare, mouth ulcer, slow growth, or weight loss • • None of these are symptoms are visible to the naked eye, but that doesn’t make them any less real. A lot of us that have a separate account try to keep our posts positive, but what you don’t see a lot of is the agonizing pain, the crying over canceling plans you looked forward to, the relationships and friendships lost because “your disease is too much to handle.” You also don’t see the mental struggle that comes with not being able to eat foods you have eaten your whole life.

A post shared byKaitlyn’s Crohns Adventures( on


Yes! In April of this year, I made an Instagram account purely for Crohn’s because I had been finding people through the social media community. I wanted a page where I could share my journey to help pay it forward, as well as see what other people are doing. One of the girls I met through there, we clicked very fast and decided to make a GroupMe for other students with IBD, so we can share advice and encouragement. It started as 10 people, and now we have 50, ranging from freshmen in high school to seniors in college or just out of college.

It’s great. On结肠镜检查准备日,有人会说,“嘿,我要经过准备,任何人都有一些鼓励吗?”每个人都会把那个人抬起来说,“喝一根稻草,吃一些冰,吃冰棍,你有这个。”我喜欢它。我们甚至没有人见面。

如果有人读到这是希望加入的,请致电My Crohn的帐户在Instagram上,我会加你!


一天一次。很差劲,真的s, but it gets better. You’re going to have your down days–but at the end of the day, it’s still your life. Own it. Your Crohn’s disease doesn’t own you.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.


Sarah Ellis是一种健康和文化作家,他们涵盖了从避孕机会到健身趋势的慢性健康状况。她最初来自纳什维尔,田纳西州,目前居住在纽约。她已经为Elite每日,伟大的学者,Mindbodygreen和其他人写了写作。当她没有写作时,莎拉喜欢跑步,素食食物,充分利用她的图书馆卡。