
Managing the symptoms慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的触发有时会感到压倒性。需要监测和仔细监测您对活动水平的呼吸到您的活动水平的一切,因为它都受到影响,这似乎似乎是一个杂耍的行为。但是,它可以掌握一个练习和正确的策略。通过关注以下提示,您可以努力更好的管理,并可能减少沿途COPD恶化的机会。

这American Lung Association estimates大约有900万人在美国的成年人有COPD,但这并不意味着每个病症的人都具有相同的症状,治疗过程和触发器。这就是为什么了解它是如何专门影响你的重要性,玛格丽塔诺克斯,M.D.纽约市Lenox Hill医院的肺病学家。她建议的一种策略正在研究你的病情和症状,并写下这一点的任何问题。然后询问您的医生,专家和医疗保健团队的其他成员。

If you don't have a regular exercise routine already, it's never too late to start. Although you may be nervous about making symptoms worse, the opposite is true.研究发表于期刊呼吸noted that exercise training is the cornerstone of a comprehensive pulmonary rehab program for those with COPD — not only for improved lung function, but also for improved body weight and higher muscle mass. A great starting point is taking a walk daily, suggests Kate Ayoub, D.P.T., a Washington D.C.-based doctor of physical therapy who often counsels people with chronic conditions.

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虽然对COPD的有效管理可能似乎足够的目标,但它确实有助于将特定的里程碑放在适当的地方。“作为医生,我们需要了解对你来说重要的,以及什么对你来说是一个有意义的目标,”约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的内科专家Michelle Ogunwole,M.D。这可能正在与您的孙子一起玩,在没有努力的情况下在您家中楼梯,或减少使用补充氧气。Ogunwole博士说,有的目标为您提供和您的医疗保健团队以增量方式努力。

Putting some deep breathing and relaxation time into your routine can help in many ways, says Thomas Yadegar, M.D., pulmonologist and medical director of the ICU at Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center in Los Angeles. Not only can it help you wind down for sleep, but it may keep energy levels regulated throughout the day since you're not struggling as much to breathe. Try this to start: Sit quietly and breathe in and out as deeply as you can for 5 to 15 minutes. Set certain times, like right before meals, to do this short routine.

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Put Healthy Habits in Place

COPD often comes with poor sleep quality, in part because oxygen levels are lower while you're sleeping and being on your back can be challenging. That's why focusing on良好的睡眠习惯is key, says Dr. Oks. Create better conditions for sleep by putting together an effective bedtime routine that might involve gentle stretching instead of vigorous exercise, taking a warm bath, drinking non-caffeinated herbal tea, and avoiding screens like a smartphone and TV for at least a half hour before bed. Try deep breathing exercises and generally wind down from the day.


Medication errors and omissions are among the main reasons chronic illnesses are not always successfully controlled. Making sure your medications are the right fit for you is crucial, says Dr. Ogunwole, especially if you have multiple conditions or you're starting a new medication. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist, and ask for a medication review. She suggests bringing in all your bottles of meds, which has information on dosage, rather than just a list of what you're taking. That's part of managing your health and your condition.
吞咽唾液:International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (2019.) “Repetitive Saliva Swallowing Test Predicts COPD Exacerbation.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6900275/
Elizabeth Millard is a freelance journalist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Men’s Health, CNN, MyFitnessPal, and WebMD, and she has worked on patient education materials for Mayo Clinic and UnitedHealth Group. She’s also a registered yoga teacher and organic farmer.